The Cygnarion Nexus Enigma - Players Pack

The Cygnarion Nexus Enigma - Players Pack

Event Details:

  • Start Date: 16th October 2023
  • End Date: 5th February 2024
  • Signup: Message us on Facebook or post in the "Cygnarion Nexus - Roster" channel on Discord
  • League Benefits: While you are active in the league you will receive an extra 5% off all Warhammer 40k related products (that's 25% off!)

League Structure:

  • The league will see players incrementally increase their armies. Starting with a skirmish-sized force of 500 points and ramping up to a full-scale battle force of 2000 points by the end.
  • With each increase in points, players will face fresh challenges and gain the opportunity to refine their strategies.

Entry Conditions:

  • $20 Entry.
  • Army can be new or old.
  • Sign-ups end 12th October.


  • 500 Points: 16th October - 12th November 
    - Rule of 1, excluding battleline.
    - No character model over 160pts including enhancements.
    - No Titanic Models
  • 1000 Points: 13th November - 10th December
    - Rule of 2, excluding battleline.
    - No character model over 220pts including enhancements.
    - No Titanic Models
  • 1500 Points: 11th December - 7th January (2024)
    - No Restrictions
  • 2000 Points: 8th January (2024) - 4th February (2024)
    - No Restrictions
  • League Wrap Up: 5th February 2024 (Ladder and games finalized)
  • Big BBQ Game Day and Awards: 11th February 2024

Pairings: Matchups will be randomized. Organizing games will be up to each pair.
In the event a numbers become uneven or a player needs to skip a week, you will be paired up with one of our other friendly players or an Irresistible Force staff member will fill in to ensure you don't miss a game!

Prizes and Recognition: 

  • End of League Raffle: Everyone who enters and survives the full 16 week campaign goes in the draw to win.
    • 1st Prize: $100 Gift Voucher
    • 2nd Prize: $75 Gift Voucher
    • 3rd Prize: $50 Gift Voucher
  • Honors Eternal: 1st, 2nd and 3rd will all have their names engraved on a plaque that will be hung in the Store.
  • Best Painted: $50 Gift Voucher
  • Wooden Spoon: Custom Engraved Wooden Spoon (For the player with the most losses, but the most fun!)
  • Best Sport: $150 Gift Voucher (For the player who exhibits the best sportsmanship throughout the league.)


Daniel Mason
Daniel Mason

Hi, I noticed when I was in the other day, you guys are accepting of recast and 3d printed models/proxies. Can I use 3d printed or recast models for this event?

David manz
David manz

Count me in!


I am SO keen for this


I would like to sign up too. I do not use FB and can not see the channel on discord. It looks like a very fun event!

Kris Nell
Kris Nell

Heck yea, been keen and waiting on this one! See you all on the battlefield!

Zac Prowse
Zac Prowse

Hey guys, I’d love to sign up. I don’t have FB to message and I couldn’t find the channel on discord, but I’ll keep looking.

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