Good afternoon everyone, Gigantor here.
As most of you know that after a few years hiatus the Warmachine and Hordes Super Series is back and bigger than ever.
This is Australia's most prestigious event, in line with Warmachine weekend and ClogCon.
As an effort to grow and support the community at large in Australia, Irresistible Force has been donating neoprene Steamroller zones to various groups.
If your community would like some help growing you community don't hesitate to contact me and I will help out any way possible.
We've just had the South Australian qualifier which saw Luke Henry qualify and it's getting closer to the final Qualifier in Tazzie you can find event details here.
Pictured left to right Luke Henry, Aaron Wale and Jahn at the SA Qualifier.
Th current List if finalists are
1. Colin hill (winner of the last Super series)
2. Loud Chris Davies (MOAB)
3. Peter Bates (MOAB)
4. Josh Bates (Irresistible force)
5. Liam Gallagher (Irresistible force)
6. Aaron Wale (Cancon masters)
7. Nick Owen (Vic IG qualifier)
8. Drew Greenland (Clash)
9. Tom Oliver (Clash)
10. Neil Stoney (Perth Champs)
11. Nathan Frawly (wintercon)
12. Chris "Affy" Linning (Wintercon)
13. Luke Henry (SA Champs)
14. TBA (Tazzie Qualifer)
15. LCQ
16. LCQ
Each qualifier has seen some epic games to push through to qualify and it's a massive effort to get through to qualify!
And there is one last way you can get into the finals and that's the Last chance qualifier to be held on November 3rd and Tickets are to be found here and the Face Book event
If that wasn't enough, I've already started planning next years super series qualifying events.
We are starting out in far north, QLD in Cairns check out the event!!
Peace out people and I hope to see you all all the LCQ and finals.