03/2018 Terrain blog post!!

03/2018 Terrain blog post!!


Welcome one and all to the Irresistible force blog!!

So a brief rundown on what it's about.

Hobby, terrain, new and exciting products, Tournament rundowns and generally what's going on in store.

Today is a highlight on some of the exciting new terrain in the shop.


If you've been in the shop recently, you'll notice that we have a LOT of amazing scenery and tables which are getting better and better all the time!
We first focused on one of the major games we play in the shop Warhammer 40,000. Starting with the GAMES WORKSHOP Kits like the Manufactorum and Basilica Administratum.


These kits are great, durable and easy to put together. All you need is a pair of clippers, a hobby knife, plastic glue and a bit of time. As you can see by the pictures above these can be put together in so many different ways, to be as big or small as you like.

So after looking at the tables, we have a lot of ruins... in the Grimdark there was only ruins.....


Josh was getting really hype about infinity and putting together some of the great infinity terrain, which is all MDF laser cut. This technology is great nowadays!
The infinity tables are starting to look amazing and we started to look into terrain from these companies, that could suit more games and be multi-platform.
We are always about bringing new and exciting products to you, So we are pleased to announce that we now stock Minature Scenery & Knights of dice.


It turns out they have absolutely amazing terrain which perfectly suits so many games!!!

We have recently churned out this Craftworld Eldar table which in total was $232. Full terrain table bundle


This table only took about 8 hours total to assemble and paint up to this standard. We recommend using a spray undercoat, then varnish with Tamia or Army Painter sprays for a durable finish.

The up and coming terrain we have in the store is a cyberpunk "china town" for our infinity community which is exploding, using mostly Knights of dice products that are amazing quality and so easy to put together!



And also a desert table which will be perfect for infinity, Starwars Legion, Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar and Bolt Action. We also have several Age of Sigmar tables in the works to add to our growing community!
And Ryan who is our resident painting troll loves Bolt Action and has a few tables set up in the shop and making more terrain for it every day!!

Thanks all for reading this far!
We do this because we love it, we just want to grow the community and make the shop our ultimate games room!
coming up we will have painting blog on what Ryan and Josh have been working on with their INFINITY (LINK COMING SOON)

#IrresistibleForce #ManStallion #GamingIF

Happy gaming,

The IF crew 


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Hallо Maсhо! Iсh bin noсh Jungfrau, abеr ich moсhtе, dass du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiсkst: https://coupemoi.la/INhIa?e=ADULT-DATING-SEX
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Hallо Maсhо! Iсh bin noсh Jungfrau, abеr ich moсhtе, dass du miсh in dеn Arsсh fiсkst: https://coupemoi.la/INhIa?e=ADULT-DATING-SEX
Нeу Маcho! Ich suche Sex in dеiner Stаdt und iсh mochtе, dass du miсh hoсhziehst: http://gongpo.moum.kr/fsdsur847575?q=ADULT-DATING
Hey Junge! Ich moсhtе diсh аbsaugen und deine Jungfrauliсhкeit mit dir verliеrеn: https://jtbtigers.com/fsdsur48147?q=ADULT-DATING-ONLINE
Hаllо tуp! Iсh suсhе Sеx in dеiner Stаdt und moсhte wirkliсh, dаss du mich hoсhziehst: https://shorturl.ac/fsdsur37787?q=ADULT-DATING
Hallо Mann! Мeine Vidеоs, in denеn ich nаскt bin, каnnst du in meinem Prоfil sеhen: http://n00.uk/VqxGW?q=ADULT-DATING


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